Outdoor Meeting: Robert’s Field

Robert’s field – Saturday June 29th 2024 Robert’s Field is a 4-hectare limestone rich grassland which has been restored by Lincs Wildlife Trust back to its former glory. These meadows were a common sight in the countryside before the first world war, and since its...

Water Vole Recovery Plan!

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Funding from Natural England has been obtained to support water vole surveys in Leicester and Rutland. Helen O’Brien and the L&R mammal group have managed to obtain funding from NE to support surveys in Leics and Rutland. This is to support a...

Outdoor Meeting: Merry’s Meadows

MERRY’S MEADOWS – Saturday 18th May 2024 It was a cool, overcast morning when 19 members and friends of the Society visited Merry’s Meadows on 18 May, but the sun appeared later to bring out the butterflies. Our visit was timed early in the year to catch...

Outdoor Meeting: Launde Park Wood

LAUNDE PARK WOOD (Saturday 27.04.24) A very cool and grey April morning, (7 degrees) and 11 x members, some longstanding, some quite new to RNHS, one guest, and leader Sarah Bedford Senior Reserves Officer, met at the gate to Launde Park Wood. Sarah introduced us to...