by Peter | Jan 24, 2020 | Meeting Reports
This meeting has been cancelled A wild flower walk at Merry’s Meadows with leader John Bistow a Conservation Officer with the LRWT. Meet on Thistleton Lane at the entrance track opposite Great Lane from Greetham Village. Please note that Great Lane is gated so...
by Peter | Jan 24, 2020 | Meeting Reports
This meeting has been cancelled Hampton Nature Reserve is a Froglife Reserve and this walk will be lead by Ross Edgar of Froglife. The reserve is on Natures Way. Meet along the Natures Way on a short track on the right hand side, which is almost opposite the turn...
by Peter | Jan 10, 2020 | Meeting Reports
This meeting has been cancelled Leaders Linda and Anthony Biddle BOOKING IS ESSENTIAL FOR THIS MEETING When you book in you will be given the exact meeting details. Warm clothing, suitable footwear and a torch essential. A picnic chair, hot drink and breakfast...
by Peter | Jan 10, 2020 | Meeting Reports
This meeting has been cancelled Leader Terry Mitcham. Meet at the NW corner of Tunnely Wood, park on the verge or area of hard standing just west of corner. Map ref SK 931124 Members can drive up and need not walk in from Exton Village Queries to Jayne Walker...
by Peter | Jan 10, 2020 | Meeting Reports
THIS MEETING AS NOW BEEN CANCELLED A talk by Joe Costley of Plantlife Joe is reserves officer for Plantlife and has visited us before to tell us about the work of Plantlife. He also introduced and supervised our annual botany surveys of Seat on Meadows until nesting...