by Peter | Mar 15, 2019 | Meeting Reports
At 1030 on Sunday 1st September a dozen members of the Society met at Burley Wood in search of plant galls. Five other RNHS recorders were present which ensured that a wide variety of wildlife was monitored in addition to plant galls. With permission of our President...
by Peter | Mar 14, 2019 | Meeting Reports
by Peter | Mar 12, 2019 | Meeting Reports
This walk is a follow up to our March talk when Philip Parker explained the formation of the claypits and how the area has changed over millions of years. A small party of RNHS members met in the car park and made their way down the slope to the reserve proper...
by Peter | Mar 11, 2019 | Meeting Reports
Visit to Holwell Reserve Sunday 23.June On a pleasant morning a group pf 14 members assembled on the verge outside the old quarry reserve at Holwell. It was the open day of the reserve, so there were a number of other visitors, but an advantage to us was that many of...
by Peter | Mar 11, 2019 | Meeting Reports
Visit to Grantham canal Tuesday 18th June 2019 In spite of an unpromising weather forecast the morning was dry and around a dozen people assembled in the car park of Dove Cottage Tea Rooms on the canal SE of Grantham at 11.00am. The cloud was well broken and the sun...