by Peter | Nov 14, 2018 | Meeting Reports
On a very bright and sunny March morning RNHS had a walk round the private grounds of this attractive reservoir. March can always be a tricky time especially for birds as it is between the winter ducks and the spring migrants and so it proved to be with our feathered...
by Peter | Nov 14, 2018 | Meeting Reports
Led by Lloyd Park, Rutland Water Reserves Officer. The society had an excellent walk around the reserve encountering many of the winter wildfowl and birds of the reserve. Of special note were good views of the Smew which regularly make this reservoir their winter...
by Peter | Nov 11, 2018 | RNHS News
On Sunday 21st October 2018 the Lincs Dormouse Group invited a couple of RNHS members to accompany them on what would probably be their last survey of 2018. Phil Rudkin has very kindly put together a report of the outing and this is attached. Please note...
by Peter | Jun 10, 2018 | RNHS News
This a request for help from Cardiff University Otter Project. They need a fresh otter! They are seeking a really fresh sample from a male otter, in order to extract DNA for whole genome sequencing by the Wellcome Sanger Institute. Ideally they are hoping to get a...
by Peter | Feb 27, 2018 | RNHS News
Eyebrook Reservoir Access The following is a brief outline of the current position as detailed in recent contact from the Management Company. The society will be holding further discussions going forward and we are hoping to include a formal visit to the...