Indoor Meeting – Animal Behaviour

Indoor Meeting – Animal Behaviour

ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR, OBSERVATION and INTERPRETATION David Cotter RNHS Committee member started the winter season with an illustrated talk on Fallow Deer Grey Seals, Rooks, Puffins and Ants. David has focused his time over recent months on a few topics and revisited sites...
Outdoor Meeting – Seaton Meadows

Outdoor Meeting – Seaton Meadows

SEATON MEADOWS WALK Joe Costley of Plant Life will introduced us to survey methodology before directing the afternoons activity. The activity was linked to National Meadow weekend and has the potential to become an annual event.  
Indoor Meeting: AGM and Photographers Evening

Indoor Meeting: AGM and Photographers Evening

The AGM As usual the AGM proceeded in an orderly fashion with the business being conducted with little problem. The Chair Linda Biddle presented her report thanking several retiring recorders and committee members for the sterling work they have done over the years....