Indoor Meeting: Meadowland

Indoor Meeting: Meadowland

Meadowland   A talk by Michael Jeeves, Head of Conservation with Leicestershire and Rutland Wildlife Trust. An illustrated talk on this important aspect of the countryside highlighted the difference between “Meadowland” and “Grassland”....
Indoor Meeting: Wildlife of Costa Rica

Indoor Meeting: Wildlife of Costa Rica

Wildlife of Costa Rica John and Viv Mitchell, RNHS members, gave an excellent illustrated talk about this fascinating and biodiverse country taking us from East Coast to West Coast, into the mountains and down the rivers to highlight the magnificent diversity to the...
Outdoor Meeting: Cribb’s Meadow

Outdoor Meeting: Cribb’s Meadow

The Society was delighted that Chris Glenn was able to fill in for Jenny Harris and lead this walk at Cribb’s Meadow. Chris has been associated with this meadow since before it was acquired by the LRWT and has been responsible for many facets of its development....
Outdoor Meeting: Fallow Deer at Belton Park

Outdoor Meeting: Fallow Deer at Belton Park

We arrived at Belton House to be faced with traffic queues to get in as a cross country race or two or three were also taking place. This had pushed all the deer into the far sections of the park and although we had to walk a distance when we arrived in the same area...
Outdoor Meeting: Birds at Titchwell

Outdoor Meeting: Birds at Titchwell

A small group met at the car park in damp conditions but by the time we set off the weather had improved and in fact the rest of the day was pleasant. On our walk down to the first hide we were commenting not only about the birds but the possibiity of seeing chinese...