How to Join RNHS
The objects of the Society are:
- To further the cause of Natural History;
- To study, record and help preserve Rutland’s wild life, in particular;
- To meet and exchange information with other bodies, and to encourage all ages to take an interest in wildlife and its conservation.
Members receive:
- the RNHS newsletter Fieldfare – five per year.
- the Society’s Annual Report of activities and records which can be accessed online through the website.
- A permit to visit Burley Woods in the summer months.
- A programme of indoor meetings from October to April and Field Study throughout the year – for more details please visit Our Activities.
- the opportunity to contribute to recording and monitoring wildlife in Rutland.
For details of forthcoming events please visit RNHS Events

Membership is per calendar year, renewal is due on the 3rd January, however, if you join and pay during October, November, December your membership is valid until the end of the following year.
If you can, please Gift Aid your subscription. This increases its value to RNHS by 25%
The society has changed its Bank Account from 1st January 2024 so please use the following details.
When submitting the online membership application do not forget to send a cheque to the membership secretary, Tricia Marston, 42 Church Street, Braunston, Oakham LE15 8QT or preferably make a payment direct to Rutland Natural History Society at Lloyds Bank plc Sort Code 30-96-26 Account Number 82992760 using your name as the reference.
We are now asking all members to renew by standing order with a renewal date of 3rd January.
Please do not renew early.
If you join in October, November or December 2024 your renewal date is 1st January 2026.
If you scroll lower down the page you will find some printable documents for your use now and at renewal, as required. Currently these documents are being re written so please contact Tricia Marston in the first instance.
Individual Adults
£12.50 per year
£25 per year
Two adults at the same address including any named juniors
Join RNHS by Post
Download our application form in Microsoft Word format to print at home. You can then fill it in and send by post to the address indicated.
Download our Standing Order form so your subscription can be automatically renewed every year.
Please download and use this form to renew your current membership. Please print, fill in and send by post to the address indicated.
Privacy Statement
The RNHS will keep your basic personal details on our database solely for the purposes required to manage your membership in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations 2018. We will never share your details with any other organisation or person unless there is a legal requirement to do so.
If we hold your email address we may occasionally send you information about forthcoming meetings or matters of concern to the society. If you do not wish to receive these emails please let me know.