

A talk by Michael Jeeves, Head of Conservation with Leicestershire and Rutland Wildlife Trust.

An illustrated talk on this important aspect of the countryside highlighted the difference between “Meadowland” and “Grassland”.

Michael made his way through history to explain how some of the worlds grasslands came about before settling into more detail on the grasslands of the UK.

He explained the different flora and fauna to be found in a variety of areas including the Machair in the Scottish Islands, The Burren in Ireland, The Peak District of Derbyshire, Sand Dunes around the coast.

Within these wider geographical areas chemical differences in the soil affect the types of plants to be found which in turn inluence things such as butterflies who can be plant specific for their caterpillars.

We were introduced to Acid Soils, Sandy Soils, Calcareous grasslands, Neutral grasslands and flood plain meadows.