Oakham Bioblitz, Market place, Oakham

Saturday 8th June 2024, 10–12.30pm and 12.30–3pm.

Tim Sexton will be leading a bioblitz around Oakham to spot all kinds of Fauna and Flora to be found in our urban environment. We need recorders and volunteers to help lead the sections and/or man the RNHS stall in the marketplace. Please contact Carolyn. Email: carakas2017@outlook.com or Jayne. Email: jayne8586@hotmail.com

Poster for Bioblitz

Verge recording

We need an update on our (and RCC) Local Wildlife Sites (LWS) in the county. There are quite a few verges to revisit and would appreciate some extra hands to carry out flower observations on these verges in June and July to find out which ones are still worth continuing to record. Expert knowledge is not needed, but if you would like to try your hand at “botanizing”, it is a very pleasant way of getting out and about for an hour or so. For information, please get in touch with John Rodgers – Botany recorder at rnhsbotanyrecord@gmail.com.

Summer Glowworm Survey

We try to record Glowworms at 4 or 5 sites during their breeding season from June to the end of July. Can you join us from around 10pm until midnight to count “glows” from a couple of these sites – in Barrowden and Essendine? To increase our chances of finding them at their peak time, we will be aiming to visit each site once or twice a week in June and July. Please contact Carolyn or Jayne for more information. Email as above.

Many thanks from Carolyn