Funding from Natural England has been obtained to support water vole surveys in Leicester and Rutland.

Helen O’Brien and the L&R mammal group have managed to obtain funding from NE to support surveys in Leics and Rutland. This is to support a Water Vole Recovery Plan which has been funded by the Environment agency, and resulted in the formation of a Partnership made up of local authorities, water companies, Wildlife Trust, Environment agency and other organisations, aiming to bring about suitable habitat development that will enable water voles to recolonise the two counties and recover from their present endangered status.

If you can spare time to help with this by surveying watercourses, or other water bodies, assessing sites for water vole activity, suitable habitat, or in any other way then please either contact Linda Biddle or Helen O’Brien.

We would be grateful for any help. Some training may be available.

Contact details:

Linda Biddle – abiddle21@talktalk.net

Helen O’Brien – drhelenob@gmail.com