The RNHS meeting at Lyndon Hill Visitor Centre was run as an introduction to finding bats, using bat detectors and assessing habitats where bats are most likely to be found. We had a brief “classroom” session inside, then set off for Gibbet Gorse.

Next to the wood there is a small field of rough grass, with a line of tall poplars on the south side and bounded by a hedge to the service track on the north.

This is very sheltered, insect rich habitat, and we had a wonderful display of sights and sounds by several Noctule, Common and Soprano Pipistrelles.

Lots of feeding buzzes were heard and the large Nctules could be seen against the darkening sky. A possible Nathusius Pipistrelle was also heard briefly.

Walking back along the service track, we were accompanied by almost constant Pipistrelle sounds and at Teal Hide, near the centre, we heard Daubenton’s bats, both close in front of the hide and sometimes skimming the surface far out on the reservoir.

Our thanks to Tim Mackrill for making the Centre and its facilities available to us for the evening.

Report by Jenny Harris