Swift Conservation in Leicestershire and Rutland talk
Swift Conservation talk poster
MOTUS tracking system talk by TIM SEXTON – 7th Jan
Tuesday 7th January 7.30pm at VTC. The Motus wildlife tracking system. A talk by Tim Sexton.
A year on from the installation of the Motus wildlife tracking system (MOTUS) at Rutland water, Tim Sexton (Senior species and recording officer for LRWT) will update us with all the current news on how the research is going.
RNHS News Archive
Wednesday 1st January 2025, 10.00am. New Year Walk with Botany recorder John Rodgers. Support the BSBI New Year Plant Hunt with thousands of other enthusiasts across the country scouring their local patch to list as many wildflowers as they can in mid-winter. ...
MEMBERS EVENING – 3rd December
TIM MACKRILL White-tailed Eagle talk – 5th Nov
BEEKEEPERS Association TALK – 1st OCT
Due to a change in circumstances, Jenny our Bat recorder will not be leading the Bat Walk at VTC on the 8th September this year, and therefore the event has been CANCELLED. We are very sorry but please do not turn up at 7.15pm on the day as the VTC will be locked up.
Water Vole Recovery Plan!
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Funding from Natural England has been obtained to support water vole surveys in Leicester and Rutland. Helen O’Brien and the L&R mammal group have managed to obtain funding from NE to support surveys in Leics and Rutland. This is to support a...
IMPORTANT NOTICE – date change for SWADDYWELL outdoor meeting
The date for the outdoor meeting to Swaddywell reserve has been changed from Saturday 20th July to SUNDAY 21st July at 10.00am – 12.00pm. Sarah Lambert from the Langdyke trust will be leading us around the reserve. The meeting will be at the same time and same place...
Message from the acting Treasurer
Thank you to all who have renewed your subscription for 2024. If you are still to renew please note the old account is now closed so you must use the new account details as per the "How to join" page on the website.
The Society will from the 1st January 2024, the start of a new accounting year, be transferring its bank account to a new account but still with Lloyds Bank. Any new members between now, 11th August and December 2023, should still use the account details as per the...
Rutland Natural History Society Calendar 2023
Following our December meeting when our 2023 Calendar was on sale we still have some copies available to purchase. If you have not ordered yours yet please contact Linda Biddle, 01780 762108 abiddle21@talktalk.net to arrange delivery/collection/payment. If you...
Society Treasurer
The Society is still in need of a Treasurer, the role is not onerous and does not take up a great deal of time, at the moment it is being filled by our Secretary which is not an ideal situation. Should any member feel able to help out with this or as a committee...
Programme 2023
We have now got most of our programme for 2023 in place and more details can be found on our Events Page. Please note however that these meetings are always subject to change so please keep a watch on the website for up to date information