RNHS News Archive
Rutland Natural History Society proposed Yorkshire Tour
RNHS 2020 Tour This event has been cancelled due to low take up and the timescale involved for booking. We may try this another year when time allows.
Rutland Roadside Verges
The attached article was brought to our attention by Jane and Duncan Ball. It seemed appropriate to offer some response and after due consideration by members of the committee and recorders a reply has been formulated to send to RCC. Rutland Natural History Society...
Back from the Brink Project more courses
A message from Liz Morrison I work on the Roots of Rockingham Back form the Bring Project with Susannah O’Riordan and I thought you might be interested in keeping up to date with our free events. We have lots of events and workshops coming up that you might be...
Friends of Fineshade – Forest Holidays update
To all Friends of Fineshade We haven't sent out an email to all the Friends for quite a long while but tonight seems exactly the right time to share with you some outstandingly good news: the Forestry Commission (FC) have today agreed that they have no plan or...
Lincs Dormouse Group
On Sunday 21st October 2018 the Lincs Dormouse Group invited a couple of RNHS members to accompany them on what would probably be their last survey of 2018. Phil Rudkin has very kindly put together a report of the outing and this is attached. Please note...
Cardiff University Otter Project
This a request for help from Cardiff University Otter Project. They need a fresh otter! They are seeking a really fresh sample from a male otter, in order to extract DNA for whole genome sequencing by the Wellcome Sanger Institute. Ideally they are hoping to get a...
Eyebrook Reservoir Access
Eyebrook Reservoir Access The following is a brief outline of the current position as detailed in recent contact from the Management Company. The society will be holding further discussions going forward and we are hoping to include a formal visit to the...
2018 Calendar
We have a few calendars left and these are available on a first come basis from Margaret Conner. Margaret can be contacted on 01664 454532 or mjconner100@gmail.com if you would like to place an order. Cost £8.00. Margaret should also be at the next indoor meeting on...
2018 Subscriptions
Subscriptions for 2018 are now due. The current rates are £12.50 for an individual, £25.00 for 2 adults living at the same address. A form will be enclosed with the November Fieldfare or can be downloaded below with details of how you can pay including standing order...
Remembering Mark Branston
Members will be saddened to hear of the death of our popular member Mark Branston who has been unwell for some time. Mark was a great supporter of Graham Worrall helping to man the reception desk at meetings and giving a hand with Fieldfare distribution. We are...
New Secretary needed
The Society is looking for a new Secretary to join our team. If you would like to hear about what is involved please contact Linda Biddle, Chair, on 01780 762108
These birds pay no attention to the law.